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API Key and Store id that can be used in staging environment.

Store_id: 5c5981496bcf7500013afeb0

API Key: rna4etAXd11XRqbMTcNnWca216daxiFE

Getting subcategories of a store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?page=1 => [paging no]
?search= => [null]
?parent= => [null]
?status=true => [active subcategories list]
?status=false => [inactive subcategories list]

Getting a subcategory by id.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Creating a new subcategory.


storebson.ObjectIdStore id.
imageAvailable(Optional)BoolTrue if image available for subcategory.
servingSizeLevels[]ServingSizePriceModifier price for it’s serving size.
taxes[]bson.ObjectIdTaxes that are applicable for the subcategory.
optionalModifierGroups[]optionalModifierGroupOptional modifier groups.
mandatoryModifierGroups[]mandatoryModifierGroupMandatory modifier groups.
timeApplicableTypeStringTime for which the subcategory is applicable: Always, Days of the week, Days of the month, Date range, Specific date or start date time & end date time will be specified.
overrideFreeNToppingsBoolTrue if price overriding after N toppings
buttonColor(Optional)StringButton color selection for the subcategory.
isConventional(Conversational)BoolTrue if subcategory is conversational.
levelStringCategory level-1: Category, Category level-2: SubCategory.
parentbson.ObjectIdParent category (id) of the subcategory.
nameStringName of the subcategory.
coursebson.ObjectIdCoursing under which the category belongs to.
kitchenPrinters(Optional)[]bson.ObjectIdList of kitchen printers attached to this subcategory.
labelPrinters(Optional)[]bson.ObjectIdList of label printers attached to this subcategory.
restrictPrinters(Optional)[]StringPrinter restrictions for that subcategory.
tareGroupbson.ObjectIdTare group id.
defaultTarebson.ObjectIdDefault tare id.
sslLengthIntSSL length.
firstFreeNToppingsIntFirst free N toppings.
createdAtIntWhich store created the subcategory.
createdForbson.StringStore id for which the subcategory is created.
ownedBybson.StringAccount id related to the Store by whom the subcategory is created.
curl -X POST \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{{"store":"5c5981496bcf7500013afeb0",
"ownedBy":"5c5981496bcf7500013afeb2"}' \
"" \

Updating a subcategory.


activeStatusBoolSubcategory activity status.
buttonColorStringSubcategory button color.
coursebson.ObjectIdCourse id, to which the category belongs.
defaultTarebson.ObjectIdTare group id.
departmentbson.ObjectIdDepartment to which the subcategory belongs.
firstFreeNToppingsIntFirst free N toppings.
hideInPOSBoolDenotes if subcategory is hidden or not in POS.
hideMenuItemInKioskBoolDenotes if subcategory is hidden or not in kiosk.
hideInZenpepperBoolDenotes if subcategory is hidden or not in Zenpepper.
id[]bson.ObjectIdCategory id.
imageAvailableBoolTrue if an image is available for the subcategory.
imageExtensionStringImage extension type.
imageUrlStringURL of the image.
imageVersionInt64Subcategory image version.
isConventionalBoolTrue if the category is conventional.
kitchenPrinters(Optional)[]bson.ObjectIdList of printers attached to this subcategory.
labelPrinters(Optional)[]bson.ObjectIdList of label printers attached to this subcategory.
levelStringCategory level-1: Category, Category level-2: SubCategory.
mandatoryModifierGroups[]MandatoryModifierGroupMandatory modifier groups.
menuItemSortStringSorting criteria.
nameStringName of the subcategory.
optionalModifierGroups[]OptionalModifierGroupOptional modifier groups.
originalIDbson.ObjectIdSubcategory original id.
restrictPrinters(Optional)[]StringPrinter restrictions for that subcategory.
roles[]RoleEmployee roles.
servingSizeLevels[]ServingSizePriceModifier price for it’s serving size.
subCategorySortStringSubcategory sorting criteria.
tareGroup[]bson.ObjectIdSubcategory name.
taxes[]bson.ObjectIdTaxes that are applicable for the subcategory.
timeApplicableTypeStringTime for which the subcategory is applicable: Always, Days of the week, Days of the month, Date range, Specific date or start date time & end date time will be specified.
sslLengthIntSSL length.
startTimeTimeIf a restriction in time is set, when the subcategory restriction starts.
endTimeTimeIf a restriction in time is set, when the subcategory restriction ends.
store[]bson.ObjectIdUnique store id.
createdAtIntWhich store created the subcategories.
createdForbson.StringStore id for which the subcategories is created.
ownedBybson.StringAccount id related to the Store by whom the subcategories is created.
curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"ownedBy":"5c5981496bcf7500013afeb2"}' \
"{category-id}" \

Inactivating a subcategory.


entityStringName of the entity.
idStringCategory id.
curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"entity":"category",
"id":"5dfce192fe7e0f00018c864a"}' \
"{category-id}/inactivate" \

Getting service types by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting tares by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active categories by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active courses by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting kitchen printers by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting label printers by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active taxes applied to items, by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?ApplyTo=Item => [Denotes taxes applied to which unit]

Getting active item service charges by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 