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The WebHooks screen allows customers to integrate orders received through LingaPOS with a 3rd party software of their choice.

If customers want to send their incoming orders to another service, they can use this screen. As soon as the order is sent to the kitchen and after the order is closed, information about the order is sent in json format to the address specified by the customer via HTTP Post method.

Two webhooks can be used at the same time, or only one can be used if the customer needs it.

Request header: It is used to add header information to the http request to be made

Close Order Web Hooks: The address to which the order information will be transmitted when the order is closed.

Close Order Web Hooks Is Active: Determines whether the web hook will be active for closed orders.

Open Order Web Hooks: The address to which the order information will be transmitted when the order is sent to the kitchen.

Open Order Web Hooks Is Active: Determines whether the web hook will be active for orders sent to the kitchen.

Note: The data structures sent by webhooks are different. Examine the data structure sent when the order is closed and the data structures sent when the order is sent to the kitchen separately.