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API Key and Store id that can be used in staging environment.

Store_id: 5c5981496bcf7500013afeb0

API Key: rna4etAXd11XRqbMTcNnWca216daxiFE

Creating an item based discount.


store{id:}bson.ObjectIdUnique store id.
levelStringLevel for which the discount will be applied(1:Category, 2:Subcategory, 3:MenuItem).
offerInStringDiscount offer type (amount, percentage, set price, free item).
discountCouponType(Optional)StringDiscount coupon type (Promo, Comp, Donation).
categoryStringCategory for which the discount is applied.
subCategoryStringSubcategory for which the discount is applied.
menuItemStringMenu item for which the discount is applied.
servingSizes[]ServingSizesServing sizes for which the discount can be applied.
freeItems(Optional)[]freeItemsFree items that discount offers in.
isForAllSSLBoolTrue if the discount is applied for all serving sizes in category. If false, then serving size(s) must be selected
combineWithOtherDiscounts(Optional)BoolTrue if combined with other discounts.
includeAdditionalModifiers(Optional)BoolTrue if additional modifiers are included.
isRestrictToTime(Optional)BoolTrue if there is a restriction time setting.
offers[]bson.ObjectIdOffers (for check based discount).
isRestrictToDays(Optional)BoolTrue if the discount is restricted for some day.
daysOfWeek(Optional)[]DaysOfWeekWhich day(s) of the week the discount is restricted.
daysOfMonth(Optional)[]DaysOfMonthWhich day(s) of the month the discount is restricted.
isRestrictToMonths(Optional)BoolTrue if the discount is restricted for a month.
months(Optional)StringRestriction month(s).
applyToDiscountedPriceBoolTrue if the discount is applied to discounted price.
excludeCategories(Optional)StringExcluded categories for which the discount will not be applied. (Check based discounts)
excludeMenuItems(Optional)StringExcluded menu items for which the discount will not be applied. (Check based discounts)
isFree(Optional)BoolTrue if an item is offered for free as a discount.
timeApplicableTypeStringTime for which the discount is applicable: Always, Days of the week, Days of the month, Date range, Specific date or start date time & end date time will be specified.
buttonColorStringButton color selection for the discount.
couponOnly(Optional)BoolTrue if coupon only option is selected.
menuItems[]MenuItemsMenu item ids for which the discount will be applied.
categories[]CategoriesCategory ids for which the discount will be applied.
subCategories[]SubCategoriesSub category ids for which the discount will be applied.
autoDiscount(Optional)BoolTrue if auto discount option is selected.
setPriceBoolTrue if set price option is selected.(One of the following options have to be selected for 'mix and match' type of discount:Price, percentage or set price for each item).
setPercentageBoolTrue if set percentage option is selected.((One of the following options have to be set for 'mix and match' type of discount:Price, percentage or set price for each item).
isSetEachItemPriceBoolTrue if set each item price option is selected.((One of the following options have to be set for 'mix and match' type of discount:Price, percentage or set price for each item).
leastExpensiveBoolTrue if (discount for) least expensive item option is selected((One of the following options have to be set for 'mix and match' type of discount:Least expensive, most expensive).
mostExpensiveBoolTrue if (discount for) most expensive item option is selected((One of the following options have to be set for 'mix and match' type of discount:Least expensive, most expensive.
nameStringName of the discount.
discountCodeStringCode of the discount.
minQuantityStringMinimum quantity of items set for the discount can be applied.
offerStrStringAmount offered by the discount.
adjustAmountStringSets if the discount will be applied before or after the taxes.
priorityIntPriority of the discount.
roles(Optional)StringRole id by whom the discount will be applied.
discountTypeStringType of the discount.
createdAtIntWhere the discount is created.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the discount is created.
ownedBybson.ObjectIdAccount id related to the Store by whom the discount is created.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the discount is created.
discountCodeStringDiscount code.
memberShipPlanbson.ObjectIDId of membership plan

Free Items(Optional) [freeItems]

menuItemStringMenu item id.
itemNameStringItem name.
servingSize[]servingSizesServing size id.
sizeNameStringServing size name.
quantityIntCategory for which the discount is applied.
offerInStringDiscount offer type (amount, percentage, set price, free item).
offerStringDiscount amount of the offer.
displayOfferStringDiscount amount of the offer displayed with currency.
curl -X POST \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"adjustAmount":"After Tax",
"discountType":"Item Based",
"discountCode":""}' \
"" \

Updating an item based discount.


activeStatusBoolTrue if the discount is active.
adjustAmountStringSets if discount will be applied before or after update.
applicableToStringDiscount is applicable for an Item, a Check or as a Combo.
applyToDiscountedPriceBoolTrue if the discount will be applied to discounted price.
autoDiscountBoolTrue if the discount is applied automatically.
buttonColorStringColor of the discount button.
combineWithOtherDiscounts(Optional)BoolTrue if combined with other discounts.
categoriesStringCategory id.
couponOnlyBoolTrue if coupon-only discount.
discountCodeStringDiscount code.
discountCouponTypeStringDiscount coupon type.
discountTypeStringDiscount type (Item based, Check based, Open Item, Open Check...)
displayOfferStringDisplay offer.
freeItems(Optional)[]MenuItemsList of free items offered with the discount.
idbson.ObjectIdDiscount id.
isCustomerAttachBoolTrue if a customer is attached to discount.
isForAllSSLBoolTrue if the discount is applied for all serving sizes in category.
isRestrictToTime(Optional)BoolTrue if the discount is restricted in time.
levelIntLevel for which the discount will be applied in the product/item hierarchy(1:Category, 2:Subcategory, 3:MenuItem).
menuItems[]MenuItemsMenu item ids for which the discount will be applied.
minQuantityIntMinimum quantity of items for the discount to be applied.
nameStringName of the discount.
offerIntAmount of the offer.
offerInStringDiscount offer type (amount, percentage, set price, free item).
offerStrStringAmount of the offer in String.
originalIDStringDiscount original id.
priorityIntPriority of the discount.
roles(Optional)[]RolesRole ids by which the discount will be applied.
servingSizes[]ServingSizesServing sizes for which the discount can be applicable.
setPriceBoolTrue if set price option is selected.
timeApplicableTypeStringThe time (period) for which the discount is applicable: Always, Days of the week, Days of the month, Date range, Specific date or start date time & end date time will be specified.
role[]RolesRole id.
startTimeTimeIf a restriction in time is set, when the discount restriction starts.
endTimeTimeIf a restriction in time is set, when the discount restriction ends.
createdAtIntWhere the discount is created.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the discount is created.
ownedBybson.ObjectIdAccount id related to the Store by whom the discount is created.

Free Items(Optional) [freeItems]

menuItemStringMenu item id.
itemNameStringItem name.
servingSize[]servingSizesServing size id.
sizeNameStringServing size name.
quantityIntCategory for which the discount is applied.
offerInStringDiscount offer type (amount, percentage, set price, free item).
offerStringDiscount amount of the offer.
displayOfferStringDiscount amount of the offer displayed with currency.
curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"adjustAmount":"Before Tax",
"discountType":"Item Based",
"ownedBy":"5c5981496bcf7500013afeb2"}' \
"{discount_id}" \

Creating a check based discount.


store{id:}bson.ObjectIdUnique store id.
levelStringLevel for which the discount will be applied(1:Category, 2:Subcategory, 3:MenuItem).
offerInStringDiscount offer type (amount, percentage, set price, free item).
discountCouponTypeStringDiscount coupon type (Promo, Comp, Donation).
categoryStringCategory for which the discount is applied.
subCategoryStringSubcategory for which the discount is applied.
menuItemStringMenu item for which the discount is applied.
servingSizes[]ServingSizesServing sizes for which the discount can be applied.
freeItems(Optional)StringFree items that discount offers in.
isForAllSSLBoolTrue if the discount is applied for all serving sizes in category.
combineWithOtherDiscounts(Optional)BoolTrue if combined with other discounts.
includeAdditionalModifiers(Optional)BoolTrue if additional modifiers are included.
isRestrictToTime(Optional)BoolTrue if there is a restriction time setting.
offers[]bson.ObjectIdOffers for check based discount.
isRestrictToDaysBoolTrue if the discount is restricted for some day.
daysOfWeek(Optional)[]DaysOfWeekThe discount is restricted for which day(s) of the week.
daysOfMonth(Optional)[]DaysOfMonthThe discount is restricted for which day(s) of the month.
isRestrictToMonths(Optional)BoolTrue if the discount is restricted for a month.
months(Optional)StringRestriction month(s).
applyToDiscountedPriceBoolTrue if the discount is applied to discounted price.
excludeCategories(Optional)StringExcluded categories for which the discount will not be applied.
excludeMenuItems(Optional)StringExcluded menu items for which the discount will not be applied.
isFreeBoolTrue if an item is offered for free as a discount.
timeApplicableTypeStringThe time for which the discount is applicable: Always, Days of the week, Days of the month, Date range, Specific date or start date time & end date time will be specified.
buttonColorStringButton color selection for the discount.
couponOnlyBoolTrue if coupon only option is selected.
menuItems[]MenuItemsMenu item ids for which the discount will be applied.
categories[]CategoriesCategory ids for which the discount will be applied.
subCategories[]SubCategoriesSub category ids for which the discount will be applied.
autoDiscountBoolTrue if auto discount option is selected.
setPriceBoolTrue if set price option is selected.
setPercentageBoolTrue if set percentage option is selected.
isSetEachItemPriceBoolTrue if set set each item price option is selected.
leastExpensiveBoolTrue if (discount for) least expensive item option is selected.
mostExpensiveBoolTrue if (discount for) most expensive item option is selected.
nameStringName of the discount.
discountCodeStringCode of the discount.
minQuantityStringMinimum quantity set for the discount.
offerStrStringAmount offered by the discount.
adjustAmountStringSets if the discount will be applied before or after the taxes.
priorityIntPriority of the discount.
roles(Optional)[]RolesRole id by whom the discount will be applied.
discountTypeStringDiscount type (Item based, Check based, Open Item, Open Check...)
createdAtIntWhere the discount is created.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the discount is created.
ownedBybson.ObjectIdAccount id related to the Store by whom the discount is created.

Offers [Offers]

minAmountIntMinimum amount for the discount to be applied.
minAmountStrStringMinimum amount for the discount to be applied in string (without currency symbol).
discountIntAmount of the discount.
offerInIntDiscount offer type (amount, percentage, set price, free item).
freeItems(Optional)[]MenuItemsFree items.
showFreeItemsBoolDenotes if free items are shown.
discountStrStringMinimum amount for the discount to be applied in string.

Free Items(Optional) [FreeItems]

menuItemMenuItemsMenu Item id.
servingSize[]servingSizesServing size for which the discount is applied.
quantityIntQuantity of items for which the discount is applied.
servingSize[]servingSizesServing sizes for which the discount is applied.
offerStrIntOffer amount in string.

Serving Sizes [ServingSizes]

activeStatusBoolDenotes if the service size is active.
defaultBoolDenotes if it's default serving size.
idStringServing size id.
nameStringServing size name.
originalIDStringServing size original ID.
typeIntServing size type.
curl -X POST \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"store":{"id":"5dd3d7ee0493b900013a15cc"},
"offerIn":"free item",
"adjustAmount":"After Tax",
"discountType":"Check Based",
"ownedBy":"5dd3d7ee0493b900013a15ce"}' \
"" \

Updating an check based discount.


activeStatusBoolTrue if the discount is active.
adjustAmountStringSets if discount will be applied before or after update.
applicableToStringDiscount is applicable for an Item, a Check or as a Combo.
applyToDiscountedPriceBoolTrue if the discount will be applied to discounted price.
autoDiscountBoolTrue if the discount is applied automatically.
buttonColorStringColor of the discount button.
combineWithOtherDiscounts(Optional)BoolTrue if combined with other discounts.
categoriesStringCategory id.
couponOnlyBoolTrue if coupon-only discount.
discountCodeStringDiscount code.
discountCouponTypeStringDiscount coupon type.
discountTypeStringDiscount type (Item based, Check based, Open Item, Open Check...)
excludeCategories(Optional)[]CategoriesCategories to be excluded.
excludeMenuItems(Optional)[]MenuItemsMenu Items to be excluded.
idbson.ObjectIdDiscount id.
isCustomerAttach(Optional)BoolTrue if a customer is attached to discount.
isRestrictToTime(Optional)BoolTrue if the discount is restricted in time.
nameStringName of the discount.
originalIDStringDiscount original id.
priorityIntPriority of the discount.
roles(Optional)[]RolesRole ids by which the discount will be applied.
setPriceBoolTrue if set price option is selected.
timeApplicableTypeStringThe time (period) for which the discount is applicable: Always, Days of the week, Days of the month, Date range, Specific date or start date time & end date time will be specified.
role[]RolesRole id.
freeItems(Optional)[]MenuItemsList of free items offered with the discount.
startTimeTimeIf a restriction in time is set, when the discount restriction starts.
endTimeTimeIf a restriction in time is set, when the discount restriction ends.
createdAtIntWhere the discount is created.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the discount is created.
ownedBybson.ObjectIdAccount id related to the Store by whom the discount is created.

Offers [Offers]

discountIntAmount of the discount.
discountStrStringMinimum amount for the discount to be applied in string.
displayDiscountStringAmount of the discount in string.
displayMinAmountStringDisplay minimum amount for the discount to be applied in string (with currency symbol).
idStringOffer id.
minAmountIntMinimum amount for the discount to be applied.
minAmountStrStringMinimum amount for the discount to be applied in string (without currency symbol).
offerInIntDiscount offer type (amount, percentage, set price, free item).
curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"activeStatus":true,
"adjustAmount":"Before Tax",
"discountType":"Check Based",
"ownedBy":"5c5981496bcf7500013afeb2"}' \
"{discount_id}" \

Creating an open item discount.


isPercentage (Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is percentage based.
isAmount (Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is amount based.
includeAdditionalModifiers(Optional)BoolDenotes if additional modifiers are included.
combineWithOtherDiscounts(Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is combined with other discounts.
applyToDiscountedPriceBoolDenotes if the discount is applied to discounted price.
discountCouponTypeStringCoupon type of the discount.
couponOnly(Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is coupon-only.
buttonColorStringDiscount button color.
nameStringName of the discount.
adjustAmountStringDiscount is applied before or after tax.
priorityIntPriority of the discount.
minPercentageIntMin percentage which can be applied with the discount.
maxPercentageIntMax percentage which can be applied with the discount.
minPercentageStrStringMin percentage which can be applied with the discount (in string).
maxPercentageStrStringMax percentage which can be applied with the discount (in string).
roles(Optional)[]RolesRole ids by which the discount will be applied.
minAmountIntMinimum discount to be applied in amount.
maxAmountIntMaximum discount to be applied in amount.
minAmountStrIntMinimum discount to be applied in amount (in string).
maxAmountStrIntMaximum discount to be applied in amount (in string).
createdAtIntWhere the discount is created.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the discount is created.
ownedBybson.ObjectIdAccount id related to the Store by whom the discount is created.
discountTypeStringDiscount type: Item based, check based, open item, open check, mix and match .
storebson.ObjectIdStore Id
curl -X POST \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"isPercentage":false,
"adjustAmount":"After Tax",
"discountType":"Open Item",
"store":"5dc3b10126781d0001e21db2"}' \
"" \

Updating an open item discount.


activeStatusBoolTrue if the discount is active.
adjustAmountStringSet if the discount will be applied before or after the taxes.
applicableToStringDiscount is applicable for an Item, a Check or as a Combo.
applyToDiscountedPriceBoolDenotes if the discount is applied to discounted price.
autoDiscountBoolTrue if the discount is applied automatically.
buttonColorStringDiscount button color.
combineWithOtherDiscounts(Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is combined with other discounts.
couponOnly(Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is coupon-only.
discountCodeStringDiscount code.
discountCouponTypeStringCoupon type of the discount.
discountTypeStringDiscount type (Item based, Check based, Open Item, Open Check...)
idbson.ObjectIdDiscount id.
includeAdditionalModifiers(Optional)BoolDenotes if additional modifiers are included.
isAmount (Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is amount based.
isCustomerAttach(Optional)BoolTrue if a customer is attached to discount.
isPercentage (Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is percentage based.
maxPercentageIntMax percentage which can be applied with the discount.
maxPercentageStrStringMax percentage which can be applied with the discount (in string).
minPercentageIntMin percentage which can be applied with the discount.
minPercentageStrStringMin percentage which can be applied with the discount (in string).
nameStringName of the discount.
originalIDStringDiscount original id.
priorityIntPriority of the discount.
roles(Optional)[]RoleRole ids by which the discount will be applied.
setPriceBoolTrue if set price option is selected.
minAmountIntMinimum discount to be applied in amount.
maxAmountIntMaximum discount to be applied in amount.
createdAtIntWhere the discount is created.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the discount is created.
ownedBybson.ObjectIdAccount id related to the Store by whom the discount is created.
curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"activeStatus":true,
"adjustAmount":"After Tax",
"discountType":"Open Item",
"ownedBy":"5dd3d7ee0493b900013a15ce"}' \
"{discount_id}" \

Creating an open check discount.


isPercentage (Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is percentage based.
isAmount (Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is amount based.
includeAdditionalModifiers(Optional)BoolDenotes if additional modifiers are included.
combineWithOtherDiscounts(Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is combined with other discounts.
applyToDiscountedPriceBoolDenotes if the discount is applied to discounted price.
discountCouponTypeStringCoupon type of the discount.
couponOnly(Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is coupon-only.
buttonColorStringDiscount button color.
nameStringName of the discount.
adjustAmountStringDiscount is applied before or after tax.
priorityIntPriority of the discount.
minPercentageIntMin percentage which can be applied with the discount.
maxPercentageIntMax percentage which can be applied with the discount.
minPercentageStrStringMin percentage which can be applied with the discount (in string).
maxPercentageStrStringMax percentage which can be applied with the discount (in string).
roles(Optional)[]RolesRole ids by which the discount will be applied.
minAmountIntMinimum discount to be applied in amount.
maxAmountIntMaximum discount to be applied in amount.
minAmountStrIntMinimum discount to be applied in amount (in string).
maxAmountStrIntMaximum discount to be applied in amount (in string).
createdAtIntWhere the discount is created.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the discount is created.
ownedBybson.ObjectIdAccount id related to the Store by whom the discount is created.
discountTypeStringDiscount type: Item based, check based, open item, open check, mix and match .
storebson.ObjectIdStore Id
curl -X POST \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"isPercentage":true,
"name":"Open Check 1612",
"adjustAmount":"Before Tax",
"discountType":"Open Check",
"store":"5dd3d7ee0493b900013a15cc"}' \
"" \

Updating an open check discount.


activeStatusBoolTrue if the discount is active.
adjustAmountStringSet if the discount will be applied before or after the taxes.
applicableToStringDiscount is applicable for an Item, a Check or as a Combo.
applyToDiscountedPriceBoolDenotes if the discount is applied to discounted price.
autoDiscountBoolTrue if the discount is applied automatically.
buttonColorStringDiscount button color.
combineWithOtherDiscounts(Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is combined with other discounts.
couponOnly(Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is coupon-only.
discountCodeStringDiscount code.
discountCouponTypeStringCoupon type of the discount.
discountTypeStringDiscount type (Item based, Check based, Open Item, Open Check...)
idbson.ObjectIdDiscount id.
includeAdditionalModifiers(Optional)BoolDenotes if additional modifiers are included.
isAmount (Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is amount based.
isCustomerAttach(Optional)BoolTrue if a customer is attached to discount.
isPercentage (Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is percentage based.
maxPercentageIntMax percentage which can be applied with the discount.
maxPercentageStrStringMax percentage which can be applied with the discount (in string).
minPercentageIntMin percentage which can be applied with the discount.
minPercentageStrStringMin percentage which can be applied with the discount (in string).
nameStringName of the discount.
originalIDStringDiscount original id.
priorityIntPriority of the discount.
roles(Optional)[]RolesRole ids by which the discount will be applied.
setPriceBoolTrue if set price option is selected.
minAmountIntMinimum discount to be applied in amount.
maxAmountIntMaximum discount to be applied in amount.
createdAtIntWhere the discount is created.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the discount is created.
ownedBybson.ObjectIdAccount id related to the Store by whom the discount is created.
curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"activeStatus":true,
"adjustAmount":"Before Tax",
"discountType":"Open Check",
"name":"Open Check 1612",
"ownedBy":"5dd3d7ee0493b900013a15ce"}' \
"{discount_id}" \

Creating an mix and match discount.


store{id:}bson.ObjectIdUnique store id.
levelStringLevel for which the discount will be applied(1:Category, 2:Subcategory, 3:MenuItem).
offerInStringDiscount offer type (amount, percentage, set price, free item).
discountCouponType(Optional)StringDiscount coupon type (Promo, Comp, Donation).
categoryStringCategory for which the discount is applied.
subCategoryStringSubcategory for which the discount is applied.
menuItemStringMenu item for which the discount is applied.
servingSizes[]ServingSizesServing sizes for which the discount can be applied.
freeItems(Optional)[]freeItemsFree items that discount offers in.
isForAllSSLBoolTrue if the discount is applied for all serving sizes in category. If false, then serving size(s) must be selected
combineWithOtherDiscounts(Optional)BoolTrue if combined with other discounts.
includeAdditionalModifiers(Optional)BoolTrue if additional modifiers are included.
isRestrictToTime(Optional)BoolTrue if there is a restriction time setting.
offers[]OffersOffers (for check based discount).
isRestrictToDays(Optional)BoolTrue if the discount is restricted for some day.
daysOfWeek(Optional)[]DaysOfWeekWhich day(s) of the week the discount is restricted.
daysOfMonth(Optional)[]DaysOfMonthWhich day(s) of the month the discount is restricted.
isRestrictToMonths(Optional)BoolTrue if the discount is restricted for a month.
months(Optional)StringRestriction month(s).
applyToDiscountedPriceBoolTrue if the discount is applied to discounted price.
excludeCategories(Optional)StringExcluded categories for which the discount will not be applied. (Check based discounts)
excludeMenuItems(Optional)StringExcluded menu items for which the discount will not be applied. (Check based discounts)
isFree(Optional)BoolTrue if an item is offered for free as a discount.
timeApplicableTypeStringTime for which the discount is applicable: Always, Days of the week, Days of the month, Date range, Specific date or start date time & end date time will be specified.
buttonColorStringButton color selection for the discount.
couponOnly(Optional)BoolTrue if coupon only option is selected.
menuItems[]MenuItemsMenu item ids for which the discount will be applied.
categories[]bson.ObjectIdCategory ids for which the discount will be applied.
subCategoriesmap[String]CategorySub category ids for which the discount will be applied.
autoDiscount(Optional)BoolTrue if auto discount option is selected.
setPriceBoolTrue if set price option is selected.(One of the following options have to be selected for 'mix and match' type of discount:Price, percentage or set price for each item).
setPercentageBoolTrue if set percentage option is selected.((One of the following options have to be set for 'mix and match' type of discount:Price, percentage or set price for each item).
isSetEachItemPriceBoolTrue if set each item price option is selected.((One of the following options have to be set for 'mix and match' type of discount:Price, percentage or set price for each item).
leastExpensiveBoolTrue if (discount for) least expensive item option is selected((One of the following options have to be set for 'mix and match' type of discount:Least expensive, most expensive).
mostExpensiveBoolTrue if (discount for) most expensive item option is selected((One of the following options have to be set for 'mix and match' type of discount:Least expensive, most expensive.
nameStringName of the discount.
mixAndMatchOffer[]mixAndMatchOfferMix and match offer details.
comboLengthIntLength of the combo to be discounted.
adjustAmountStringSet if the discount will be applied before or after the taxes.
priorityIntPriority of the discount.
discountTypeStringType of the discount.
createdAtIntWhich store created the discount.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the discount is created.
ownedBybson.ObjectIdAccount id related to the Store by whom the discount is created.
discountCodeStringDiscount code.

Mix And Match Offer [mixAndMatchOffer]

quantityIntQuantity of menu items for which the discount is applied.
priceStrStringDiscounted price.
curl -X POST \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"store":{"id":"5dd3d7ee0493b900013a15cc"},
"offerIn":"set price",
"adjustAmount":"Before Tax",
"discountType":"Mix And Match",
"discountCode":""}' \
"" \

Updating a mix and match discount.


activeStatusBoolTrue if the discount is active.
adjustAmountStringSet if the discount will be applied before or after the taxes.
applicableToStringDiscount is applicable for an Item, a Check or as a Combo.
applyToDiscountedPriceBoolDenotes if the discount is applied to discounted price.
autoDiscountBoolTrue if the discount is applied automatically.
buttonColorStringDiscount button color.
categories[]CategoriesCategory ids for which the discount will be applied.
combineWithOtherDiscounts(Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is combined with other discounts.
couponOnly(Optional)BoolDenotes if the discount is coupon-only.
discountCodeStringDiscount code.
discountCouponTypeStringCoupon type of the discount.
discountTypeStringDiscount type (Item based, Check based, Open Item, Open Check...)
idStringDiscount id.
isCustomerAttach(Optional)BoolTrue if a customer is attached to discount.
isRestrictToTime(Optional)BoolTrue if there is a restriction time setting.
isSetEachItemPriceBoolTrue if set each item price option is selected.((One of the following options have to be set for 'mix and match' type of discount:Price, percentage or set price for each item).
leastExpensiveBoolTrue if (discount for) least expensive item option is selected((One of the following options have to be set for 'mix and match' type of discount:Least expensive, most expensive).
menuItems[]MenuItemsMenu item ids for which the discount will be applied.
mixAndMatchOffer[]mixAndMatchOfferMix and match offer details.
mostExpensiveBoolTrue if (discount for) most expensive item option is selected((One of the following options have to be set for 'mix and match' type of discount:Least expensive, most expensive.
nameStringName of the discount.
offerIntAmount of the offer.
offerInStringDiscount offer type (amount, percentage, set price, free item).
offerStrIntOffer amount in string.
originalIDStringDiscount original id.
priorityIntPriority of the discount.
roles(Optional)[]RolesRole ids by which the discount will be applied.
setPercentageBoolTrue if set percentage option is selected.((One of the following options have to be set for 'mix and match' type of discount:Price, percentage or set price for each item).
setPriceBoolTrue if set price option is selected.
timeApplicableTypeStringTime for which the discount is applicable: Always, Days of the week, Days of the month, Date range, Specific date or start date time & end date time will be specified.
role[]RolesRole id.
servingSizes[]ServingSizesServing sizes for which the discount can be applied.
comboLengthIntLength of the combo to be discounted.
freeItems(Optional)[]freeItemsFree items that discount offers in.
startTimeTimeIf a restriction in time is set, when the discount restriction starts.
endTimeTimeIf a restriction in time is set, when the discount restriction ends.
createdAtIntWhere the discount is created.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the discount is created.
ownedBybson.ObjectIdAccount id related to the Store by whom the discount is created.

Mix And Match Offer [mixAndMatchOffer]

quantityIntQuantity of menu items for which the discount is applied.
priceStrStringDiscounted price.
discountQuantityIntDiscounted quantity.
curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"activeStatus":true,
"adjustAmount":"After Tax",
"discountType":"Mix And Match",
"offerIn":"set price",
"ownedBy":"5dd3d7ee0493b900013a15ce"}' \
"{discount_id}" \

Getting item based discounts of a store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?page=1 => [paging no]
?search='' => [null]
?status=true => [active discount]
?status=false => [inactive discount]

Getting check based discounts of a store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?page=1 => [paging no]
?search='' => [null]
?status=true => [active discount]
?status=false => [inactive discount]

Getting open item discount of a store.



curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \

?page=1 => [paging no]
?search='' => [null]
?status=true => [active discount]
?status=false => [inactive discount]

Getting open check discount of a store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?page=1 => [paging no]
?search='' => [null]
?status=true => [active discount]
?status=false => [inactive discount]

Getting mixed and matched discounts of a store.



curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \

?page=1 => [paging no]
?search='Some discount' => [String to be searched]
?status=true => [active discount]
?status=false => [inactive discount]

Getting active categories.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active subcategories.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active menu items.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active roles.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Inactivating a discount.


entityStringEntity to be inactivated.
idStringDiscount id.
curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
}' \
"{discount-id}/inactivate" \

Activating an inactive discount.


entityStringEntity to be inactivated.
idStringDiscount id.
curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
}' \
"{discount-id}/activate" \

Publish a discount.


curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
"{store-id}/publish" \