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API Key and Store id that can be used in staging environment.

Store_id: 5c5981496bcf7500013afeb0

API Key: rna4etAXd11XRqbMTcNnWca216daxiFE

Getting taxes of a store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?page=1 => [paging no]
?search= => [null]
?parent= => [null]
?status=true => [active taxes list]
?status=false => [inactive taxes list]

Creating a new tax.


taxes[]bson.ObjectIdTaxes that are applicable with this tax.
inclusiveBoolTrue if the tax is inclusive.
defaultTaxBoolTrue if the tax is default.
applyOnRawCheckBoolTrue if the tax is applicable to raw check.
taxTypeStringTax type.
nameStringName of the tax.
applyToStringTax applicable to menuItem or modifier.
isQuantityBasedBoolTrue if the tax is quantity based.
quantityBasedTaxes[]QuantityBasedOffersTaxes that are applicable for Quantity based.
percentageStrStringTax percentage in string format.
taxCodeStringTax code.
isTaxPerServiceTypeBoolTrue if the tax is service type.
storebson.StringStore id for which the tax is created.
curl -X POST \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"taxes": []
"inclusive": false
"defaultTax": true
"applyOnRawCheck": false
"taxPerServiceTypeTaxes": [{}]
"taxType": "Percentage"
"name": "Tax1"
"applyTo": "Item"
"isQuantityBased": true
"quantityBasedTaxes": [{quantity: 1, sMessage: "", qtyErr: ""}]
"percentageStr": ""
"comboLength": 1
"taxCode": "Tx1"
"isTaxPerServiceType": false
"store": "5c5981496bcf7500013afeb0"}' \
"" \

Updating a tax.


activeStatusBoolTax activity status.
amountIntTax amount.
amountStrStringTax amount in string.
applyOnRawCheckBoolTrue if the tax is applicable to raw check.
applyTaxIntTax to apply.
applyTaxStrStringTax to apply in string.
applyToStringTax applicable to menuItem or modifier.
defaultTaxBoolTrue if the tax is a default tax.
idStringTax id.
inclusiveBoolTrue if the tax is inclusive.
nameStringTax name.
originalIDbson.ObjectIdTax original ID.
percentageIntTax percentage.
percentageStrStringTax percentage in string format.
quantityBasedTaxes[]QuantityBasedOffersTaxes that are applicable for Quantity based.
storebson.StringStore id for which the tax is created.
taxCodeStringTax code.
taxPerServiceTypeTaxestaxPerServiceTypeTax per service type.
taxTypeStringTax type.
taxes[]bson.ObjectIdTaxes that are applicable over the menuItem.
curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"activeStatus":true,
"taxes":[]}' \
"{tax-id}" \