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Products/Items (Menu Items)

API Key and Store id that can be used in staging environment.

Store_id: 5c5981496bcf7500013afeb0

API Key: rna4etAXd11XRqbMTcNnWca216daxiFE

Getting inventory menu item list of a store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?page=1 => [paging no]
?search=true => [null]
?status=true => [active menu items list]
?status=false => [inactive menu items list]

Creating a menu item.


nameStringName of the menu item.
categoryLevelStringCategory level-1: Category, Category level-2: SubCategory.
includedModifiers[]includedModifiersIncluded modifier groups.
taxes[]bson.ObjectIdTaxes that are applicable over the menu item.
optionalModifierGroups[]MandatoryModifierGroupsOptional modifier groups.
category[]bson.ObjectIdCategory id.
mandatoryModifierGroups[]MandatoryModifierGroupsOptional modifier groups.
isRestrictToTime(Optional)BoolTrue if there is a restriction time setting.
isRestrictToDays(Optional)BoolTrue if there is a restriction days setting.
isRestrictToMonths(Optional)BoolTrue if there is a restriction months setting.
months(Optional)StringRestriction month(s).
daysOfWeek(Optional)StringRestriction day(s) of the week.
daysOfMonth(Optional)StringRestriction day(s) of the month.
kitchenPrinters(Optional)[]bson.ObjectIdList of kitchen printers attached to this category.
servingSizePrices[]servingSizePricesServing sizes & their prices for the menu item.
labelPrinters(Optional)[]bson.ObjectIdList of label printers attached to this category.
restrictPrinters(Optional)[]StringPrinter restrictions for that menu item.
includeDefaultOptionalGroupsBoolTrue if default optional groups are included.
includeDefaultMandGroupsBoolTrue if default mandatory groups are included.
overrideFreeNToppingsBoolTrue if price overriding after N toppings
timeApplicableTypeTimeTime for which the menu item is applicable: Always, Days of the week, Days of the month, Date range, Specific date or start date time & end date time will be specified.
measureTypeStringMeasure type of the menu item.
buttonColorStringButton color selection for the menu item.
includeDefaultTaxesBoolTrue if default taxes are included.
imageAvailable(Optional)BoolTrue if image available for category.
imageExtension(Optional)StringImage extension type.
imageVersion(Optional)Int64Category image version.
firstFreeNToppingsIntFirst free N toppings.
sslLengthIntSSL length.
isConventional(Conversational)BoolTrue if menu item is conversational.
includeDefaultPrintersBoolTrue if default printers are included.
includeLabelDefaultPrintersBoolTrue if default label printers are included.
includeRestrictDefaultPrintersBoolTrue if default restrict printers are included.
list86(Optional)BoolTrue if 86 List option is selected.
createdAtIntWhich store created the menu item.
createdForbson.StringStore id for which the menu item is created.
ownedBybson.StringAccount id related to the Store by whom the menu item is created.

Serving Size Prices [servingSizePrices]

orderSequenceInt8Floor Order Sequence, to display floors in order.
servingSizebson.ObjectIdServing size (id).
nameInt8Serving size name.
priceStrStringServing size price in string.
curl -X POST \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"Mexican Burger",
"measureType":"Menu Item",
"ownedBy":"5c5981496bcf7500013afeb2"}' \
"" \

Updating a menu item.


activeStatusBoolMenu item activity status.
buttonColorStringMenu item button color.
categorybson.ObjectIdCategory id.
chitNameStringMenu item chit name.
cutAndModifyBoolDenotes if menu item is customizable.
defaultTarebson.ObjectIdTare group id.
descriptionStringDescription of the menu item.
doNotShowButtonBoolButton showing option.
ebtMenuItemBoolDenotes if menu item is an EBT menu item or not.
externalRetailIDStringRetail item external id.
hideMenuItemInKioskBoolDenotes if menu item is hidden or not in kiosk.
hideMenuItemInZenpepperBoolDenotes if menu item is hidden or not in Zenpepper.
id[]bson.ObjectIdMenu item id.
imageAvailableBoolTrue if an image is available for the menu item.
imageExtensionStringImage extension type.
imageUrlStringURL of the image.
imageVersionInt64Menu item image version.
includedModifiers[]IncludedModifiersIncluded modifier groups.
isConventionalBoolTrue if the menu item is conventional.
kitchenPrinters(Optional)[]bson.ObjectIdList of printers attached to this menu item.
labelPrinters(Optional)[]bson.ObjectIdList of label printers attached to this category.
list86(Optional)BoolTrue if 86 List option is selected.
localName(Optional)StringMenu item local name.
mandatoryModifierGroups[]MandatoryModifierGroupMandatory modifier groups.
nameStringMenu item name.
optionalModifierGroups[]OptionalModifierGroupOptional modifier groups.
originalIDbson.ObjectIdMenu item original id.
pluCode(Optional)StringPlu code for menu item.
priceLevelSettings(Optional)BoolTrue if price level is preferred to set.
restrictPrinters(Optional)[]StringPrinter restrictions for that menu item.
servingSizePrices[]servingSizePricesServing sizes & their prices for the menu item.
skuStringSku code number for the menu item.
skuCodes[]StringSku codes for the menu item.
tareGroup[]bson.ObjectIdMenu item name.
taxes[]bson.ObjectIdTaxes that are applicable over menu item.
timeApplicableTypeTimeTime for which the menu item is applicable: Always, Days of the week, Days of the month, Date range, Specific date or start date time & end date time will be specified.
includeDefaultOptionalGroupsBoolTrue if default optional groups are included.
includeDefaultMandGroupsBoolTrue if default mandatory groups are included.
includeDefaultPrintersBoolTrue if default printers are included.
categoryLevelStringCategory level-1: Category, Category level-2: SubCategory.
startTimeTimeIf a restriction in time is set, when the menu item restriction starts.
endTimeTimeIf a restriction in time is set, when the menu item restriction ends.
sslLengthIntSSL length.
includedModifiersLengthIntIncluded modifiers length.
createdAtIntWhich store created the menu item.
createdForbson.StringStore id for which the menu item is created.
ownedBybson.StringAccount id related to the Store by whom the menu item is created.

Serving Size Prices [servingSizePrices]

orderSequenceInt8Floor Order Sequence, to display floors in order.
servingSizebson.ObjectIdServing size (id).
nameInt8Serving size name.
priceStrStringServing size price in string.
curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"activeStatus":true,
"measureType":"Menu Item",
"ownedBy":"5c5981496bcf7500013afeb2"}' \
"{menu-item-id}" \

Inactivating a menu item.


entityStringName of the entity.
idStringMenu item id.
curl -X POST \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
}' \
"{menu-item-id}/inactivate" \

Updating image of menu item


imageBinaryBinary image file
curl --location --request PUT '{menu-item-id}/image' \
--header 'apikey: generated-api-key' \
--form 'image={binary-image}'

Creating a new retail item.


menuItem[]bson.ObjectIdMenu item details.
inventoryItem[]bson.ObjectIdInventory item details.
skuCodeLengthIntSku code length.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the menu item is created.
ownedBybson.ObjectIdAccount id related to the Store by whom the menu item is created.
createdAtIntWhich store created the menu item.

Menu Item [menuItem]

nameStringName of the menu item.
levelStringCategory level.
categorybson.ObjectIdCategory id.
skuStringSku code number for the menu item.
skuCodes[]StringSku codes for the menu item.
servingSizePrices[]servingSizePriceServing sizes & their prices for the menu item.
taxes[]bson.ObjectIdTaxes that are applicable over menu item.
buttonColor(Optional)StringButton color selection for the menu item.
timeApplicableTypeStringTime for which the retail item is applicable: Always, Days of the week, Days of the month, Date range, Specific date or start date time & end date time will be specified.
daysOfWeek(Optional)[]DaysOfWeekWhich day(s) of the week the retail item is restricted.
daysOfMonth(Optional)[]DaysOfMonthWhich day(s) of the month the retail item is restricted.
months(Optional)StringRestriction month(s).
startTime(Optional)StringIf a restriction in time is set, when the menu item restriction starts.
endTime(Optional)StringIf a restriction in time is set, when the menu item restriction ends.
categoryLevelStringCategory level-1: Category, Category level-2: SubCategory.
marginPercentageIntMargin percentage.
includeDefaultTaxesBoolTrue if default taxes are included.
subCategorybson.ObjectIdSubcategory id.
sslLengthIntSSL length.
doNotShowButton(Optional)BoolButton showing option.
ebtMenuItem(Optional)BoolDenotes if menu item is an EBT menu item or not.
hideMenuItemInKiosk(Optional)BoolDenotes if menu item is hidden or not in kiosk.

Serving Size Prices [servingSizePrices]

servingSizebson.ObjectIdServing size id.
priceIntPrice for serving size.
priceStrStringServing size price in string.

Inventory Item [inventoryItem]

categorybson.ObjectIdCategory id.
primaryStoragebson.ObjectIdPrimary storage id.
inventoryUnitbson.ObjectIdInventory unit id.
minInventoryUnitIntMinimum inventory count.
vendorbson.ObjectIdVendor id.
brandNameStringInventory item brand name.
receivingQuantityStringReceiving quantity.
priceIntPrice of the inventory item.
priceStrStringPrice of the inventory item in string.
curl -X POST \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"menuItem":{"name":"New Retail Item1",
"servingSizePrices": [{"servingSize":"5c5981496bcf7500013afedc",
"createdAt":2}' \
"" \

Updating a new retail item.


activeStatusBoolDenotes activity status of retail items.
idbson.ObjectIdRetail item id.
inventoryItem[]bson.ObjectIdInventory item details.
menuItem[]bson.ObjectIdMenu item details.
originalIDbson.ObjectIdRetail item original ID.
skuCodeLengthIntMenu item details.
createdForbson.ObjectIdStore id for which the menu item is created.
ownedBybson.ObjectIdAccount id related to the Store by whom the menu item is created.
createdAtIntWhich store created the menu item.

Inventory Item [inventoryItem]

brandNameStringInventory item brand name.
categorybson.ObjectIdInventory item category id.
costPriceBasedCOGSbson.ObjectIdDenotes if COGS is cost price based.
idbson.ObjectIdInventory item id.
inventoryUnitbson.ObjectIdUnit id of the inventory item.
minInventoryUnitIntMinimum inventory count.
priceIntInventory item price.
pricePerUnitIntInventory item price per unit.
pricePerUnitStrStringInventory item price per unit in string.
priceStrIntInventory item price.
primaryStoragebson.ObjectIdPrimary storage id.
purchaseUnitMultiplierIntPurchase unit multiplier.
receivingQuantityIntReceiving quantity.
recipeUnitMultiplierIntMultiplier for recipe unit.
secondaryStoragebson.ObjectIdSecondary storage id.
sellingPriceIntInventory item selling price.
sellingPriceStrStringInventory item selling price in string.
vendorbson.ObjectIdVendor id.
recipeUnitStringRecipe unit id.
purchaseUnitStringPurchase unit id.

Menu Item [menuItem]

buttonColor(Optional)StringButton color selection for the menu item.
categorybson.ObjectIdCategory id.
categoryLevelStringCategory level-1: Category, Category level-2: SubCategory.
costStringCost of the menu item.
costStrStringCost of the menu item in string.
doNotShowButton(Optional)BoolButton showing option.
ebtMenuItem(Optional)BoolDenotes if menu item is an EBT menu item or not.
hideMenuItemInKiosk(Optional)BoolDenotes if menu item is hidden or not in kiosk.
hideInZenpepper(Optional)BoolDenotes if category is hidden or not in Zenpepper.
imageAvailable(Optional)BoolTrue if image available for category.
imageExtension(Optional)StringImage extension type.
imageVersion(Optional)Int64Category image version.
inventoryUnitbson.ObjectIdInventory unit id.
levelStringCategory level.
localNameStringMenu item local name.
marginPercentageIntMargin percentage.
menuItemIdbson.ObjectIdMenu item id.
nameStringName of the retail item.
overRidePrice(Optional)BoolDenotes if price is overridden.
priceIntPrice of the inventory item.
priceStrStringPrice of the inventory item.
sellingRatioIntInventory item selling ratio.
servingSizePrices[]ServingSizePriceInventory item serving size details.
skuStringSku code of the inventory item.
skuCodes[]StringSku codes of the inventory item.
taxes[]bson.ObjectIdTaxes applied to the inventory item.
timeApplicableTypeStringTime applicability for the inventory item.
unitNameStringUnit name of the inventory item.
includeDefaultTaxesBoolTrue if default taxes are included.
includeDefaultPrintersBoolTrue if default taxes are included.
sslLengthIntSSL length.
curl -X PUT \ 
-H "apikey: generated-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"activeStatus":true,
"name":"New Retail Item1",
"createdAt":2}' \
"{retail-item-id}" \

Getting default printers.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?printerType=KitchenPrinter => [Printer type]

Getting service types by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting label printers by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting tares by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting kitchen printers by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active modifier groups by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active modifiers by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active taxes applied to items, by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?ApplyTo=Item => [Denotes taxes applied to which unit]

Getting active categories by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active item service charge by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active sub categories by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active departments by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active courses by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active serving size levels by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting master menu items by store.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting a category by id.


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 

Getting active storage locations by store token id. (Retail Item)


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?inventoryLoginToken=db0f8d5950 => [Token id for logging to inventory]

Getting categories by inventory token id. (Retail Item)


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?inventoryLoginToken=db0f8d5950934535a6e5785ab7471f7f => [Token id for logging to inventory]

Getting active vendors by inventory token id. (Retail Item)


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?inventoryLoginToken=db0f8d5950934535a6e5785ab7471f7f => [Token id for logging to inventory]

Getting active in house units. (Retail Item)


curl -X GET -H "apikey: generated-api-key" \ 


?inventoryLoginToken=db0f8d5950934535a6e5785ab7471f7f => [Token id for logging to inventory]